Academic Competitions
BYJU’s Coding Cup (Tynker ) - Grades 5-8
BYJU'S Coding World Cup is a soccer-themed coding competition created by Tynker and designed to get kids excited about computer science. Students use logic and coding skills to write their own custom logic (AI) using visual programming blocks.
Mathematica Contests (Mathematica Centrum) - Grades 3-8
Mathematica contests are developed annually by the Mathematica Contest Center and written by over 60,000 students across Canada.
Beaver Computing Challenge (University of Waterloo) - Grades 3-8
The BCC is a problem-solving contest with a focus on computational and logical thinking with questions inspired by topics in computer science.
Gauss Mathematics Contest (University of Waterloo) - Grades 7-8
The Gauss contests introduce students in Grades 7 and 8 to a broader perspective of mathematics in a fun, accessible way. Intriguing problems and a multiple-choice format make the Gauss contests a wonderful opportunity for all participants to grow their interest in and get curious about the power of math.
Students in Grade 6-8 participate in the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Science Fair.
Grade 5 students join the 6-8 students in our own King's Town School Science Fair. In doing so, students work through each step of the scientific method to gain comfort with scientific terminology and how to conduct a proper experiment.
Students in Grade 5, 7-8 participate in our King's Town School Heritage fair and have the opportunity to present their projects at the Kingston Regional Heritage Fair.
Congratulations to our 2024 Award Winners!
Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington
Science Fair
Addison Thomas
Human Health Sciences Silver Medal​
Ilaan Nanji
STEAMworks Summer Camp Award
Human Health Sciences Gold Medal
​Caleb Jinapriya
STEAMworks Summer Camp Award
Physical and Mathematical Sciences Gold Medal
Zoe Frantzeskos
Life and Earth Sciences Bronze Medal
Maggie MacKinnon
Life and Earth Sciences Silver Medal
Meredith Bailey
Rotary Club of Kingston - Environmental Sustainability
Life and Earth Sciences Gold Medal
Charlotte Williams
Computing and Engineering Bronze Medal
Toby Nuttall
City of Kingston - Best Environmental Project Award
Queen's University School of Environmental Studies Award
Life and Earth Sciences Honourable Mention
Chloe Jugroot
Life and Earth Sciences Gold Medal
Kingston Regional Heritage Fair
Audrey Miners
Silver Medal in Division 1
Arunabha Chattopadhyay
Ontario Library Association Award
Toby Nuttall
Ontario Genealogical Society Award
Addie Maslove
OHFA First Nations, Metis and Inuit and Award